Doce ou atroz, manso ou feroz‖: os currículos realizados/inventados na relação com a(s) diferença(s) no cotidiano escolar


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




It was from the understanding of the ephemeral, the uncertainty and complexity that this dissertation was built. It is the result of my inquiries before the school and the difference(s) among students. I intended to dip in school life (re)visiting teaching practices embodied in the curricula made/invented various forms of questioning to be/seem/to be of the subjects. The survey of the everyday basic epistemological complexity much helped me understand the waves, storms, calms the lived/ experienced The contemporary period allows such understanding as it navigates over the chaos/order, certainty/uncertainty towards a process of dialogue with different cultures. ―Sailing is needed‖, says Fernando Pessoa. This trip was not done by itself and without company, on the contrary, there were many subjects and conversations carried out during observations in classrooms and meetings with teachers. I had as a locus the spacestimes of the State School São Vicente de Paulo (Juiz de Fora/MG), which showed to me how dynamic and complex is its process of facing the situations with their students. Thus the words of the teachers of the 5th year of Elementary School were essential parts of this diving, as there were constructions and deconstructions of thoughts and practices that constitute individualitiescollectivities of their students incarnated subjects and practitioners. Through the dialogue with the teachers we observed how subjects are constructed/deconstructed with high mobility; how subjects are canceled/exalted; how subjects are stereotyped; finally, how difference(s) constitute the subjects. In addition to establishing a deterministic thinking, we see that when the curriculum is strict, the identity(ies) are considered fixed and difference(s) are denied. In contrast, when a curriculum is made/invented, the identity(ies) are considered in their movements and difference(s) are experienced. Therefore, this research made me become hunter and hunted of myself and of pedagogical practices with the difference(s)


cotidiano currículo diferença everyday life curriculum difference educacao

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