Domains in viroids: evidence of intermolecular RNA rearrangements and their contribution to viroid evolution.


On the basis of sequence homology a model is proposed for five structural and functional domains in viroids. These domains include (i) a conserved central region capable of forming two alternative structures that may regulate two phases of the viroid replication cycle, (ii) a region associated with pathogenicity, (iii) a domain with high sequence variability, (iv and v) two terminal domains that are interchangeable between viroids. That the evolution of viroids has involved RNA rearrangements of domains is supported by the partial duplication of coconut cadang cadang viroid, which arises de novo during each infection. Similar RNA rearrangements have been established for animal viral defective interfering RNAs, which arise by some form of discontinuous transcription. This mechanism could account for the origin of viroids and also RNA viruses, whereby modules of genetic information may have undergone repeated exchange between RNA pathogens and the RNA of their hosts.

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