Doses de N e K aplicadas via fertirrigação na cultura do coqueiro (Cocos nucifera L. ) anão. / Levels of n and k applied by fertigation on coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) dwarf.




In the culture of irrigated coconut, with the same trend of other cultures, it comes increasing the use of the fertirrigação technique. In Brazil, the cultivate the dwarf coconut palm, research with variety is recent, not making use of consistent results that make possible a program of diffusion between the producers. Aiming at to adequately take care of the nutricionais requirements of the irrigated cultures, the supply of nutrient in adequate ratios has been one difficulty faced for the producers. It was objectified with this work to study the effect of N and K doses saw fertirrigação in development and the production of green dwarfed coconut palm of Jiqui, to evaluate the effect in soil fertility and nutrition of coconut palm in 6º and 7º year of culture. The study, initiate in April of 2002 until March of 2004, was carried through in experimental field of the Company of Farming Research, Rio Grande do Norte states, Brazil. The plants meet spaced 7.7 x 7.5 x 7.5m in quartizarênico neossolo. The adopted statistical delineation was of blocks entirely casualised, with 4 repetitions, using for composition of treatments experimental one matrix Plan Puebla III, being composites of combination two factors: nitrogen and potassium doses in the forms of urea and potassium chloride, respectively, getting 10 treatments, defining itself the interval for N (256 the 4874 g plant-1 year-1) and K (258 the 4872 g plant-1 year-1) applied way fertirrigação for microsprinkler irrigation system. The useful area was composed for 200 plants with parcels formed for 10 plants, being of these 5 useful plants, and one external bordadura surrounding the experiment. The vegetative development, the productivity, the qualitative parameters of fruits, the levels of soil fertility and macro and micronutrients concentrations in leves had been evaluated. The number leaf, diameter of pantry, height and circumference of estipe had been favored with the applied doses. K 2910 g plant-1 year-1 and N 2353 g plant-1 year-1 of doses, had represented greaters productions in 6º year of culture. In 7º the K 1540 g plant-1 year-1 and N 1539 g plant-1 year-1 of doses, had year represented greaters productions. N of doses had diminished the volume, ºBrix and had increased pH of coconut water. K of doses had reduced the CEac and had raised ºBrix of coconut water. The texts of nutrients in the soil had presented great variation having tended to diminish to the long of period. N of doses diminish texts of Ca, Mg and pH, however increase of P in soil and leaf of coconut palm. Concentrations K in soil had in accordance with increased of the applied K having diminished in accordance with the depth collection of soil. The K doses increased the concentrations of N, K, Cl and Fe having diminished of Mg and Na, the doses of N had however favored to increase concentrations of P, Na and Mn reducing the concentrations of K and Zn in leaf coconut palm.


coco potássio soil fertility potassium plant physiology fertirrigação plant nutrition fertilidade do solo fertirrigation fisiologia vegetal nutrição vegetal nitrogênio nitrogen coconut

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