Doses de nitrogênio e seu efeito nos indicadores microbiológicos de qualidade de solo na cultura da cevada




The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different nitrogen doses and soil depths on microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in a sandy textured Oxisol, cultivated with barley. The experiment was installed in June, 2004, in an area located at Embrapa Cerrados, Federal District, which had been cultivated with millet for three years and subsequently with soya beans for two seasons. A first year no-till system was established in this experiment. The treatments were four doses of nitrogen (30, 60, 90 e 120 Kg N/ha) and a control without it. Soil samples were collected in four depths: 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-30 cm, with three replicates and in three sampling periods: tillering, flowering and right after the harvest. The CSMB was analyzed through the fumigation-extraction method. As a whole, the CSMB decreased with depth, except for the treatment were nitrogen was not added. The CSMB and CSMB:CORG decreased with higher doses of nitrogen, especially in the deeper layers of the soil. Nitrogen fertilization increased the metabolic quotient and microbial activity, especially in the doses of 60 e 90 Kg N/ha. For the treatment of 120 Kg N/ha, there was negative correlations between the CSMB:CORG and soil pH. The NSMB and NSMB:NTOTAL decreased with depth. As a whole, higher doses of nitrogen didnt increase the NSMB. The NTOTAL wasnt altered with the application of nitrogen, but it decreased with depth. There were negative correlations between the NSMB and soil pH for all the doses, with an exception for the treatment without nitrogen. There were also positive correlations between the NSMB:NTOTAL and NSMB, but not between NSMB:NTOTAL and NTOTAL.


cevada nitrogênio na agricultura microbial biomass nitrogen. microbial biomass carbon manejo ciencias agrarias solos

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