Doses of nitrogen and water sheet in the elephant grass growth / Adubação nitrogenada e lâmina de água no crescimento do capim-elefante




The research was conducted at the Experimental Field of Coronel Pacheco MG, from October 7th, 2003 to January 6th, 2005, in order to evaluate the effects of four doses of nitrogen (100, 300, 500 e 700 kg/ha of N) and six water sheet (0, 20%, 40%, 80%, 100% e 120% of evapotranspiration) over the production of dry matter, populational density of basal tiller, plants height, percentage of soil covered by elephant grass plants (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum), crude protein and NDF tenors, and IVDMD of elephant grass plants during the dry and rainy periods. The nitrogen doses were the plots and the water sheet constituted the subplots, according to the complete randomized blocks experiment with four repetitions. The size of each experimental subplot was 3 m wide and 6 m long, with an area of 18 m2. Each experimental plot was formed by six water sheet, measuring 6 m wide by 18 m long, with an area of 108 m2, in which the doses of nitrogen 100, 300, 500 or 700 kg/ha of N were applied. As the source of nitrogenized compost, urea was used, manually thrown, divided into six applications during the experimental period. The irrigations were conducted according to the soil humidity at 60 cm deep, which was monitored weekly, using a tension meter, placed strategically in the experimental area, in every repetition, in the plot which received 300 kg/ha of N and subplot irrigated with 100% of evapotranspiration. When the elephant grass reached 1, 60 m in one of the plots, it was harvested one sample of fodder from each subplot. The production of dry matter accumulated in the experimental year and during the rainy period increased linearly as much as related to the doses of N as related to the applied water sheets. During the dry period, the production of elephant grass increased linearly with the doses of N, but it had a quadratic behavior with the applied water sheets. The contribution of the dry period to the accumulated production of dry matter (kg/ha) of the entire year did not differ much between the treatments without irrigation and with irrigation, demonstrating that this technique did not alter the seasonal growth of the elephant grass production. It was observed a linear response of the elephant grass plant height related to the doses of N applied and related to the applied water sheets as much as in the experimental year, as in the dry and rainy periods. The soil covered by the elephant grass plants suffered linear influence just from the applied water sheets during the experimental year, not responding to the doses of N. In the dry period, there was no response to the application of doses of N, but the soil covered by the elephant grass plants were influenced in a quadratic way by the applied water sheets. In the rainy period, the soil covered by the elephant grass plants did not suffer any influence either by the doses of N or by the applied water sheets. During the experimental year and during the dry period, the amount of basal tillers released by the elephant grass plants increased linearly with doses of N and the applied water sheets, and during the rainy period suffered linear influence from the applied water sheets, not responding to the doses of N. The crude protein tenor of the leaves blade plus pseudoculm of the elephant grass plants increased linearly with the doses of N as much as in the experimental year as in the dry and rainy periods, not being influenced by the applied water sheets. The neutral detergent fiber tenor in the leaves blade plus pseudoculm of the elephant grass plants was negatively influenced by the doses of N during the experimental year and in the dry period, being positively influenced by the applied water sheets applied in the rainy period. The in vitro dry matter digestibility of the leaves blade plus pseudoculm of the elephant grass plants responded in a quadratic way to the increase of the doses of N just in the experimental year and in the dry period, not being influenced at all by the applied water sheets. The IVDMD was not influenced by any of the studied variables in the dry period.


capim-elefante matéria seca elephant grass dry matter pastagem e forragicultura Índice de área foliar leaf area index

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