Duas Propostas de Ensino e suas Formas de Compreender a Eletricidade / Two High School Teaching Proposals and Their Ways to Understand Electricity




With this work we compared the ways to understand Electricity among high school students that had Electricity course with teaching proposals from GREF and Ramalho. Initially we searched for researches about students spontaneous concepts in electric current, electric resistance, energy and electricity intending to intending to arrange the existing models about these concepts, and using them to analyse how was the knowledge of the students after they had finished one of the courses from the teaching proposals. Using a typical instrument from this kind of research, with a great portion of students from Ramalhos proposal, we obtained almost the same results that we had found at the initials researches. Although, among the students from GREFs proposal, the answers showed a different formation with a certain amplification in their point of view about Electricity. These differences are: in the correct apply of the classic current model to explain electric resistive phenomenon; in recognising the great utilisation of Electricity and, in spite of harmful effects from electric phenomenon, the students usually recognise them. Considering our thoughts about Education, Physics and teaching and learning processes, we looked for to comprise these results analysing the attributes elements from which proposal and, even if the two proposals intend to teach Electricity, we could confirm that they are very different from each other. The principal educational objective from Ramalhos proposal is in order to make the student pass in the university exam; to reach this, it develops the physics contents in a linear way, and in fragments that uses only the formal language. In this proposal, the student doesnt have space to participate actively in the learning process. And, the principal educational objective for GREFs proposal is give students abilities to comprise the diary things using Physics knowledge which is developed as a structure having the energy concept guiding the whole and, this proposal still introduces explaining models to construct images about the objects which are being analysing. And, in this course, the student participates from the very beginning, including when he helps to make the plan.


conceitos espontâneos. propostas de ensino de física textbooks analysis spontaneous conceptions. teaching of electricity análise de livros didáticos ensino de eletricidade teaching physics proposal

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