Ecologia aplicada de anthonomus grandis grandis boheman, 1843 (coleoptera, curculionidae), na região de Campinas, SP




The present study was undertaken in order to reveal some ecological aspects of the cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleóptera, Curculionidae) under field conditions in Campinas, State of São Paulo. Populations densities of this insect pest, during and between cotton seasons, were estimated. Survey of some natural enemies was realized and their efficiencies were evaluated. Suppressive action was exerted on populations of the boll weevil utilizing Plant Traps and selective insecticidies, within an IPM program. Effectiveness and advantages of these two methods were analysed. The research was realized in two separate Experimental Areas. A. g. grandis populations were evaluated through three indicators 1) feeding and oviposition symptoms in squares, Flowers and bolls, 2) presence of adults on cotton plants, and 3) adults captured in specific pheromone traps. During the cotton siason, the populations of this insect pest began to appear at least 6 weeks after cotton plant germination and did not research any level of economic significance. However after harvesting, high population densities were detected due to new formation of squares. Destruction of cotton stalks immediately after harvesting is recommended, as a mechanical control method. ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


ecologia agricola - campinas (sp ) gorgulho do algodão - campinas (sp)

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