Economia e política no processo de financeirização do Brasil (1980-2006)




The theme of this research is the manifestation of the financial globalization in Brazil, which main objective is to study the process of redefining the hegemony, involving the identification of the hegemonic class fraction in the interior of such dominant class and the historical moment when this redefinition is taking place. The main logical and conceptual instruments of support to the realization of this thesis were the Marxist political economy, with special emphasis in the theory of financial globalization headed by Chesnais and the concept of hegemony, promoted by Poulantzas in the field of political theory. The analysis of hegemony in Brazil, being specially inspired in the general guidelines of methodology suggested by Decio Saes (2001), took as base the economic policy and the main reforms established by the Brazilian State during the period of 1980-2006. The research allows evaluating the financialization aspects of the Brazilian economy and important impacts of the hegemony redefinition in the sphere of the dominant class, in the structural redistribution of the wealth produced by the Brazilian workers. The research concludes that the currently hegemonic fraction in the interior of the political dominant block in todays Brazilian society is the international financial oligarchy, which has a hybrid composition - it is mainly composed, in one hand, by the so-called Institutional Investors and, on the other hand, by the big international bank capital. This oligarchy is present in the national political life by means of a foreign management segment, made up mainly by Brazilians dependent of this oligarchy. Concludes also that the mark of the political victory of the new hegemonic fraction in Brazil was the impeachment of president Collor in 1992 and that from 1999 on the economic policy of the Brazilian State became entirely synchronized with the interests of the international financial oligarchy


capitalismo -- brasil ciencias sociais aplicadas brasil -- politica economica financas -- brasil financial globalization mundialização financeira

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