Economia solidária : uma investigação sobre suas iniciativas / Solidarity economy : an investigation of its organizations




This thesis investigates the determinants of Solidarity Economy s Organizations (in) ability to generate socioeconomic well-being to their members in an articulate and participatory way to cope with problems originated in the society. Seeking answers, a review of the main thesis on the subject was produced. The first and most popular thesis claim the Solidarity Economy as a vehicle for Socialist mode of production. The second one considers the Solidarity Economy as an anti-capitalist and plural form of production that does not, however, envisaged a new form of social organization. Despite the differences, both thesis considered that the Solidarity Economy is a way of producing significantly different from a typical capitalist firm which self-managed processes provide its economic success and social engagement of employees. Finally, a third thesis, which antagonizes the past thesis and sees the Solidarity Economy as precarious occupation and public recognition of "unwaged". Ponder the placed question requires the confrontation of these thesis with reality so the searching toured three paths. The first one consisted of examining more general transformations in terms of economy and society, which led to the emergence of the Solidarity Economy back in the 1980s. Then, a review of the empirical literature on its initiatives consisted of the second path. Finally, the third path tried to deepen the knowledge through empirical research of the primary source of information regarding the National System of Information on Solidarity Economy (NSISE). The results of the qualitative and quantitative analyses carried out suggest that solidarity initiatives finish a socioeconomic framework off rather contradictory, mixing different elements of referred thesis


economia solidária desemprego pobreza movimentos sociais solidarity economy unemployment poverty social movements

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