Educação e Empreendedorismo: um estudo sobre a formação empreendedora no curso técnico em agropecuária do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Norte de Minas Gerais. / Education and Entrepreneurship: a study about the entrepreneurial formation in the technical course in agricultural of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the North of Minas Gerais.




The theme entrepreneurship won great visibility and expression in the last decades in function of the economical transformations and social resultants of new structural arrangements in the world of the work. With that, it was configured different representations for subjects as employment, precarious forms of occupation, professional education, local development, among other important linked concepts to the economy and the work. In this scenery it wins prominence the entrepreneurial education, the teaching of the entrepreneurship, the development of competenc ies for the work and, it is questioned the destinies of the professional education. In this perspective of entrepreneurial formation, the present work presents the results of a research accomplished the professionals exits of the technical course close to in agricultural of IFNMG - Campus Januária that one already found inserted in the job market. It was had as objective, to build a perception in relation to the entrepreneurial formation in the course, looking for to verify the strategies and methodological practices of teaching applied in the institution they contribute to promotion and development of competencies and entrepreneurial abilities. In the construction of the theoretical reference the relationship was observed between the economical subjects and the educational politics in Brazil, the current context was approached marked by the productive restructuring, discussed the papers and the importance of the Professional education and of the entrepreneurship front to the new scenery. For the study in subject, the different concepts of entrepreneurial competencies were observed and built a model of competencies for application starting from different authors, respected the own peculiarities of the area of Januária assisted by IFNMG. The results of that research took us to end that the enterprising formation in the technical course in agricultural of the Institute still meets disjointed of the context of the market and of the social and economical reality of the area. It is perceptible the lack of a guiding model that defines the main competences they be worked her, that it organizes, articulate and dictate the strategies they be used her/it to develop or to promote the enterprising competences in each student during the agricultural technical formation.


empreendedorismo professional education trabalho entrepreneurial competencies. competências empreendedoras. educacao educação profissional work entrepreneurship

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