Educação fisica na educação infantil : a realidade nas secretarias municipais de educação de Belem-PA, Macapa-AP, Palmas-TO e Rio Branco-AC




This study objectified to characterize the current picture of Physical Education in the Infantile Education; to analyze the proposals of the Physical Education for the Infantile Education and to accomplish a comparative analysis of the proposals found in the capitaIs members of the sample. The study had the following subjects they would be investigated: Which the current picture of the Infantile School Physical Education in the belonging Municipal Clerkships the sample of the study? The proposals of the Physical Education in the Infantile Education, existent in the Municipal Clerkships they were elaborated based in Referential Curriculum National of Infantile Education and in scientific studies starting from national and foreign authors? The used methodology went to exploratory research, of the type he/she researches documental, as well as the comparative study with qualitative analysis. The sample of the study was composed by the Municipal Clerkships of Education of the cities of BeIém-Pa, Macapá-Ap, Palmas-To and Rio Branco-Ac.The collections of data were made through maiI, correspondence registered and through Sedex, and letters. As main results we identified that don t exist proposed of Infantile Physical Education in alI the Secretaries belonging to the sample of the study, and the ones that possess the content, not always this is clear and objective.And the base for the construction of the proposals it is not searched in the Referential National Curricullum of Infantile Education, as well as in national and foreign authors of reference for such goal. So it is evident that there is need of the development of researches in permanent character, with longitudinal characteristics on the chiIdren from zero to six years of age in all the researched capitaIs, therefore none made reference to this practice, so that we can create a solid theoreticaI base seeking to the construction .of educational proposals in PhysicaI Education for the Infantile Education, appropriate to each reality


educação fisica para crianças educação fisica (pre-escolar) - estudo e ensino educação fisica brinquedos jogos

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