Efeito da adição de coentro e urucum na composição de acidos graxos em file de pescada branca (Cynoscion spp) / Effect of the addition of coriander and annatto on white hake filet1s fatty acid composition




One of the main characteristics of fish lipids is its high content of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids are well known to exert beneficial effects on human health; however, they are highly prone to oxidation. Annatto and coriander are two spices widely used in the Brazilian cuisine that have been previously studied for their antioxidant activity. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the addition of annatto and coriander in white hake meat under frozen storage at -18°C for 120 days and submitted to thermal treatment on the fatty acids profile. The samples were divided in four groups and each group received a different treatment: samples without any spice addition, added 0.5% of coriander, added 0.1% of annatto, and added 0.1% of annatto and 0.5% coriander. After the condiment addition, meatballs were molded and part of them was readily cooked in water at 95 ± 1°C for 30 min and the other part was stored. The raw and cooked samples were analyzed at day 0 and after thawing and cooking at days 30, 60, 90, and 120. Fatty acids were analyzed by gas chromatography after esterification. Beyond fatty acids, total lipids and the moisture content had also been analyzed. The formation of secondary compounds from lipid oxidation was verified during storage at days 0, 60, and 120 by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances analysis. Annatto and coriander had revealed good efficiency in controlling lipid oxidation during storage at -18°C . When added alone, annatto presented greater antioxidant action than coriander. However, the combination of annatto and coriander was more efficient against lipid oxidation than when added separately. On the other hand, these natural products did not show significant antioxidant action over lipid oxidation when the samples were submitted to thermal treatment


pescada branca (peixe) Ácidos graxos antioxidantes naturais estocagem tratamento térmico white hake (fish) fatty acids natural antioxidants storage thermal treatment

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