"Efeito da poluição atmosférica urbana da cidade de São Paulo nas células sangüíneas e no sistema cardiopulmonar. Estudo morfo-funcional em camundongos in vivo" / Effect of urbain air pollution of Sao Paulo city in the blood and cardiopulmonary system : a morpho-functional study in mice in vivo




Objective: verify if air pollution of São Paulo city induces alterations in blood and cardiopulmonary systems. MM: Balb/c mice were exposed during 7, 14, 21, 30 and 45 days to 3 chambers: Clean (control), Intermediate (PM only) and Dirty (external air). After exposure, animals were ventilated (FlexiVent) and collected lung mechanics data and blood, heart and lung. PM, CO, SO2 e NO2 were measured daily. Results: on day 21 and 45, coincidently to peak of pollutions, there was proximal airway resistance increase (45d p=0.012), leukocytosis (21d p <0.001 and 45d p=0.039) and vasoconstriction of peribronchiolar arterioles (21d p=0.034) in animals of Dirty Chamber with no alterations of coronaries. Neither pollutants exceeded the standard limits


leukocytes leucócitos vasoconstrição arteríolas air pollution/adverse effects arterioles pulmão/lesões coronary vessels sangue blood vasoconstriction poluição do ar/efeitos adversos lung/injuries vasos coronários

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