Efeito da sanitizaÃÃo e da embalagem na qualidade de goiabas (Psidium guava L.) cv. Paluma minimamente processadas




Minimally processed products are defined as those that have suffered small modifications without greatly changing their freshlike properties. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of sanitization on the overral quality of guavas minimally processed. Inially, it was made a consumer survey in supermarket to verify the preference on cut form and packaging material for the guavas. It was shown four types of guavas cut into two types of materials; cup of polyetilene tereftalato (PET) and trays of polystirene cover with polyvinil cloride film (PSPVC). Guavas cv Paluma were sanitized before (S1) and after (S2) cuting with 50 ppm of dicloro isocianurato de sÃdio dihidratado. After that the fruits were packaged into PET and/or PS-PVC and stored at 3ÂÂ1ÂC. The analysis realized were pH, total soluble solids (TSS), total titratable acidity (TTA), ascorbic acid content (AA), texture, total and reduced sugar (TS,RS), sensorial and microbiologic. The consumers prefered guava cut in half with the pulp and stored in PET. Therfore the PET packing was not good for the appearance of the product and was substitute by PS-PVC. Both sanitization sequence and package types did not affect significantly the levels of pH, TSS, TTA, TSS/TTA, texture. PET packing maintened AA level on both sanitization sequence. TS and AS levels incresed significantly during the storage in PS-PVC package. The sensory characteristics were maintained until six days storage. The S1 sanitization was more effective to control the aerobic mesophylic microorganism (autochthonous) during storage time


avaliaÃÃo sensorial nutricao processamento mÃnimo da goiaba (psidium guava l.) cv. paluma sanitizaÃÃo e embalagem

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