Efeito de dois programas de intervenção no nível de atividade física de adolescentes matriculados em escolas da rede pública de ensino da Zona Leste da cidade de São Paulo, SP / The effects of two intervention programs on the level of physical activity of adolescents enrolled in public schools in the east side of São Paulo, state of São Paulo




Introduction: The regular practice of physical activities assists in the health promotion endeavor and in the improvement of quality of life of children and adolescents, aside from being fundamental for the maintenance of this habit on adult life. Objective: This research aims in verifying the effects of two intervention programs on the level of physical activity of adolescents ranging from 12 to 14 years old enrolled in public schools in the east side of the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo. Methodology: 69 adolescents took part in this study, with ages ranging from 12 to 14 years old, enrolled in the 7th grade of high school of three public schools from the east side of the city of São Paulo. The adolescents were divided into two intervention groups and one control group, according to the school they were enrolled in: 1) Physical activity and health education group: this group took part in weekly meetings, which lasted 60 minutes each, to talk about physical activities and life style. This group was also encouraged to practice physical activities during their leisure time and as a way of locomotion (to walk or to pedal to go to school) and to look for new knowledge about physical activities and new information about the personal benefits promoted by a physically active life style. All the meetings were mediated by a physical educator and a student from the Physical Activity Science course from São Paulo University; 2) Physical exercise group: this group took part in two weekly sections of exercises structured and supervised by a physical educator. Each section lasted 60 minutes and was made of aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises; 3) Control group: this group did not participate in the intervention and only took part on the evaluation. The intervention was conducted for four months and the level of physical activities was evaluated before and after this period. Statistical Analyses: Analyses were performed according to the intention-to-treat principle. The data were analyzed in a descriptive way through means, medians, standard deviations and minimum and maximum values. On intergroup comparisons, it was used the Kruskal-Wallis test and variance analyze (Ancova) and intergroup analyses were performed by means of the Wilcoxon test. The SPSS 15.0 software was used in all analyses. Results: There was a statistically significant difference among the means presented at the beginning and at the end of the study for sport practice and physical exercises between the physical activity and health education and supervised physical exercise groups (p<0,05). Conclusion: In relation to the increase of sports practice and physical exercises, intervention based on education to alter life style was as effective as the traditional supervised intervention based on the physical exercise practice to adolescent students from public schools from the city of São Paulo. Therefore, the use of this methodology in the physical education classes is recommended to promote physical activities in a more effective way to adolescents.


comportamento behavior estilo de vida physical activity atividade física adolescência adolescence lifestyle

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