Efeito do ciclamato de sódio sobre o pâncreas exócrino fetal de ratos: estudo cariométrico e esterelógico.




Cyclamate, a sweetening substance derived from N-cyclo-hexyl-sulfamic acid, is largely used as a non-caloric artificial edulcorant in foods and beverages as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. This study aims at evaluating different karyometric and stereological quantitative parameters in the exocrine pancreas of rat fetuses . In five pregnant rats, a dose of 60mg/kg of body weight of sodium cyclamate was intraperitonelly administered daily from the 10th to the 14th day of gestation. In five, an equivalent volume of 0.9% of physiological solution was administered in the same time with identical procedure. In the 20th day of gestation, the fetuses were removed and weighted as well as their placentas, using an accurately scale; the length of their umbilical cords was measured. After the laboratory examination, sections of 6mm semi series stained by Hematoxilin-Eosin were performed. For the treated group, five fetuses were selected; for the control group, the same number. A total of 50 pancreatic acinar cells nuclei of each selected animal were evaluated by means of an optical microscope with a camera lucida. The same material was evaluated stereologically by means of Merz grade. Mann-Whitney nonparametric test was used. Of all the presented karyometric parameters, seven statically different from the control group were: major, minor and medium diameters, volume, area, perimeter and volume-area ratio. Stereological parameters showed an increase in the cellular volume and reduction in the numerical cellular density when the control and treated groups are statistically compared. These results may suggest that the sodium cyclamate causes toxicity in the exocrine pancreas of the rat fetuses.


urologia nefrologia pancreas, exocrine ciclamatos cyclamates exocrine pancreas pâncreas exócrino sodium cyclamate urology morphometry

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