Efeito do omeprazol no tratamento de gastropatia ulcerativa induzida em cães / Effect of omeprazole in the treatment of ulcerative gastropathy induced in dogs


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The experiment took eight adult bitches, clinically healthy, mixed breed, weighing between 9 and 28 Kg. These animals formed two study groups at different times. At first the dogs comprised the control group and a moment later the same dogs formed the omeprazole group, with the aim of evaluating by endoscopy the period of healing of experimental gastric ulcer and effect of omeprazole in the treatment of this condition. The experiment was conducted at the Department of Veterinary, Federal University of Viçosa. The ulcerative gastropathy was induced by instilling 0.1 ml of sodium hydroxide at 40% through endoscopic visualization in the gastric mucosa in the pyloric antrum region. Dogs omeprazole group received 1 mg/kg of the drug orally for 24 in 24 hours during four weeks and the control group received placebo at the same moments. During the experiment, animals were assessed by daily physical examination, laboratory tests (CBC) before starting the experiment and at the end of the study, endoscopic examinations before the study began, and after induction of ulcerative gastropathy occur weekly until complete healing of lesions. The results showed that animals treated with omeprazole had better clinical and laboratory demonstrated endoscopic healing faster with a total recovery of the animals after 28 days, compared with 42 days required for full recovery of the control group.


Úlceras gástricas omeprazol cães clinica veterinaria gastric ulcers omeprazole dogs

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