Efeito do tratamento termomecanico na microssegregação de um aço maraging grau 1900MPa




One of the main problems in the production of Maraging steels comes from banded structures. This banding is originated by interdendritic segregation during ingot solidification and persists in some degree after thermomechanicaltreatments. In this context, the present work studies the effect of thermomechanical treatments on the microsegregation of an electroslag remelting Maraging steel (1900MPa). Preliminary analysis have not shown any macrosegregation in the material, however, a significant interdendritic microsegregation of alloying elements have been observed. The ingot presents different structures between top and bottom, but homogenization rate is not significantlyaffected by this heterogeneity. The microsegregation curves show that the initial rate of homogenization is very rapid; the rate significantly decreases after approximately 6 hours until complete homogenization. For better understanding this behavior, mathematical models have been applied to titanium. A good agreement can be observed with the parabolic distribution bidimensionalmode!. This result allows to associate the behavior of the homogenization rate to a high solute concentration gradient at the points of maxima, and to different distances between the maxima and minima points. Related to the mechanical treatments, it has been verified that the hot rolling has an effect equivalent to a 6 hours homogenization treatment


aço - fundição conformação de metais aço - metalografia aço de alta resistencia aço - tratamento termico

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