Efeito dos termos contra-girantes no modelo de Jaynes-Cummings




In studies concerned with the Jaynes-Cumrnings model, the so-called Rotating - Wave Approximation, which consists in neglecting the counter-rotating terms in the interaction Hamiltonian, is in general adopted since the very begining, due to ( among other things ) the extreme simplification which results. In our work, we study in detail the effects of the counter-rotating terms on the model. First, we investigate the differences in the system s dynamics due to these terms, in particular in connection to the phenomena of collapse and revival, well-known in quantum optics. We compare the results we get using perturbation theory with those obtained by direct numerical computation, and we analyse under which conditions the counter-rotating terms can be neglected. We also studied the model s symmetry properties, by using group-theoretical methods, and we found that a new symmetry appears in the strong coupling limit, which gives rise to an energy-level degeneracy in this lirnit


otica quantica teoria dos grupos eletrodinamica quantica

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