Efeitos da radiação gama no fungo Alternaria alternata e nas micotoxinas alternariol e alternariol monometil éter em amostras de cereais artificialmente contaminadas. / Effects of gamma irradiation on the fungus Alternaria alternata and on mycotoxins Alternariol (AOH) and Alternariol Monomethyl Ether (AME) in artificially contaminated cereal samples.




The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of different gamma irradiation doses on the growth of Alternaria alternata and on production of mycotoxins Alternariol (AOH) and Alternariol Monomethyl Ether (AME) in cereal samples. The results showed a significant reduction in the number of CFU/g in rice grains and sunflower seeds, which were proportional to radiation dose used. However, in corn and wheat grains was observed an increase in the number of CFU/g with the increase of gamma irradiation. The radiation doses used resulted in a reduction of AOH levels. In rice and corn grains, the production of AOH was highest in the group irradiated with 5 kGy. Similar result was obtained with relation to AME. Scanning electron microscopy made it possible to visualize structural alterations on A. alternata induced by the different g-radiation doses used. Analysis of irradiated AOH and AME toxins standards didn´t show any alteration comparing to the control group.


cereais (amostras / contaminação) microbiologia fungos microbiology cereals (samples / contamination) gamma radiotion radiação gama alternariol alternaria alternata alternaria alternata fungi alternariol

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