Efeitos da variação comportamental durante o atraso do reforço sobre a escolha por autocontrole




Studies on self-control include a choice between a small, immediate reinforcer (impulsivity alternative) and a large, delayed reinforcer (self-control alternative). The present study evaluated the effects of the emission of sequences of responses, during the delay, upon choice for self-control. In the BL condition, pigeons were exposed to two choice alternatives: a 2-s period of access to food delayed 2-s vs. a 10-s period of access to food delayed 30-s delay. In the VAR condition, the animals emitted sequences of four responses, during the long delay, which were reinforced only when they met a variation criterion. In the ACO condition, sequences were reinforced independently of the variation criterion such that the reinforcer probability was yoked to that of the VAR condition. The results showed that (a) the VAR condition produced higher levels of behavior variation than the ACO condition, and (b) choice for self-control was lower under the BL condition than under the VAR and ACO conditions which did not differ. It was concluded that responding during the delay promotes self-control choice regardless of the level of behavior variability.


psicologia self-control response variability variabilidade da resposta pombos pigeons autocontrole

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