Efeitos de extratos de plantas e inseticidas de segunda e terceira gerações em populações de Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae)




In this study, the larvicidal activities of 20 organic extracts of plants ftom the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae) and of Pongamol (derived ftom dibenzoylmethane) isolated ftom petroleum ether extracts of the roots of Lonchocarpus montanus AM. G. de AzevedoTozzi, as well as 10 aqueous extracts of plants ftom different families, and two oils and a soap ftom Azadiracta indica A.Juss (Neem), were assessed in Musca domestica larvae. Ten of the 20 organic extracts were toxic to the larvae, the most active being the dichloromethane extract of the roots of Lonchocarpus atropurpureus Benth. Pongamol was less active than the ether petroleum extract of L. montanus, and at the same time more active than the methanolic and dichloromethane extracts of this planto Only two of the 10 aqueous extracts (the extracts ftom dry leaves of Chenopodium ambrosioides L. and ftesh leaves of Allium porum L.) were toxic to the larvae. The two neem oils and the neem soap tested had larvicidal activity, with "Neem - 2" oil having a lower lethal concentration (LCso). The resistance of M domestica populations to Ivennectin, a derivative of A vermectin, and to the insect growth regulators Cyromazine, Lufenuron and Methoprene, was also examined. For this, the larval growth medium was treated with different concentrations of the larvicides. Ten populations were treated with Ivennectin and nine were treated with the insect growth regulators. Medium resistance to Ivennectin was observed in lavae ftom Monte Mor (state of São Paulo - SP), moderate resistance occurred in the populations ftom Campinas, Promissão and Santa Cruz da Conceição and low resistance in samples ftom Holambra and Hortolândia (alI in SP). Larvae ftom Itanhandu (state ofMinas Gerais - MG) and Grande Porto Alegre (state ofRio Grande do Sul- RS) showed medium resistance to Cyromazine. The sample ftom Campinas had Iow resistance to Lufenuron. Moderate resistance to Methoprene was detected in Iarvae ftom Sarapuí, Sumaré and Monte Mor (all in SP) whereas those ftom Promissão were the most sensitive to Methoprene. The most sensitive popuIation to Cyromazine and Lufenuron was that of Santa Cruz da Conceição. Pupal malfonnations were detected following the treatment of M domestica Iarvae with the four larvicides, and Methoprene inhibited the emergence of adult flies. Resistance to conventional insecticides in nine populations of M domestica obtained ftom poultry fanns was tested by topical application of serial concentrations of Diazinon, Dichlorvos and Malathion to the dorsal thorax surface of female flies. The resistance of flies ftom Monte Mor and Campinas to Diazinon was low, whereas flies ftom Santa Cruz da Conceição, Monte Mor, Holambra, Promissão and Campinas and Itanhandu had a low resistance to Dichlorvos; flies ftom Campinas also had low resistance to Malathion. To the Metomil only two populations had a very low resistance. Larvae ITom Monte Mor also showed moderate resistance to Cyfluthrin, whereas those ITom Campinas and Itanhandu had low resistance to this drug


reguladores de crescimento inseticidas extratos vegetais

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