Efeitos de muitos corpos e propriedades de coerencia no processo de excitação de um atomo por impacto eletronico




In the chapter I first order many body theory ( FOMBT ) is applied to the calculation of diferential cross section for impact excitation of the 41S and 43S states of He by electrons at energies 40 eV, 60 eV and 80 eV. In the chapter II we use Martin-Schwinger many body Green s function techniques to develop a theory for excitation of meta-stable targets in first order. In the chapter the theory of Fano-Macek, for electron-photon coincidence experiments is applied to states with J = 1 and where the spin-orbit interaction is important, new effects are stressed and FOMBT in a modified form is used to calculate the new parameters of this theory. In the chapter IV a second order many body is used to the excitation of 23S of He at 40.1 eV


excitação eletronica problemas de muitos corpos

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