Efeitos de spin em poços quânticos largos / Study of Landé G factor on single and double quantum wells of AlGaAs




In this work we presents the results of our investigations concerning MBE grown AlGaAs/GaAs single and double quantum well samples. We focused on the variation of the Land´e g factor along the structure of the quantum wells, which occur as a consquence of its dependence on the Al content on the alloy AlGaAs. The electronic distribution on the wells and the penetration of the eletronic density into the barriers of the samples were found through selfconsistent calculations. The calculations were based on the eletronic sheet density ns measured through Hall and Shubinikov-de Haas efects. This research allowed the determination of the expected value of the Landé g-factor, as a function of the displacement of the electronic state inside the wells due to an arbitrary external electric field action. Also the influence of the tunneling effects was also studied.


mbe poços quânticos quantum well semicondutores semiconductor gaas mbe g factor

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