Efeitos do fluor no metabolismo glicolitico do germe dental de rato




Fluoride was identified as an activator of adenylate cyclase. The aim of the present work was to verify its effects on glicolitic metabolism of rat tooth germ, which is related to adenylate cyclase activity. Eight-days old rat germs were submmited to treatments with, sodium fluoride (NaF), sodium monofluoridephosphate (Na MFP) and fluoroaluminate (AlF 4 -). The expirements were carried on in vitro and in vivo. In order to evaluate the influence of fluoride in absence of aluminum, another group was formed using EDT A as a chelating agent of aluminum ions. This was an only in vitro experiment. Glycolitic metabolism was measured by lactate production. The results showed that fluoride decreased acid production, therefore it had inhibited glycolitic metabolismo The compound that best showed this inhibition was AlF4 -. Na MFP didn t influence acid production. Addition of EDTA abolished fluoride inhibitory effect on glycolitic metabolismo


dentes - bacteriologia - metabolismo fluor

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