Efeitos tardios do tratamento neonatal com sertralina sobre a depressÃo experimental induzida em ratos Wistar




The present study investigated the corporal weight, the experimental induced depression by forced swim and the exploratory behavior of young adult rats, treated in the neonatal period with sertraline, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. According to the experiment treatment, two groups of suckling rats were distributed as follow way: A sertraline group (15 mg/kg, n=42), and a control group, which received an equivalent volume of distilled water (1ml/kg, n=36). The corporal weight was evaluated in the suckling period in neonates and in adult rats (60 days). The experimental depression was induced by the forced swim test was measured the latency of the attempt of escape and behavioral immobility. The exploratory behavior was observed in the exploratory activity on the hole board. The sertraline group presented a reduction in the corporal weight that continued during the adult age resistance to the experimental depression. Furthermore, the forced swim test reduced the exploratory activity as in the sertraline group or in the control group. These data confirm the important participation of the serotoninergic system in the development of the mechanisms related with the mood expression


sertralina experimental depression evolution weight serotonina ciÃncias da saÃde serotonin evoluÃÃo ponderal exploratory behavior depressÃo experimental comportamento exploratÃrio sertraline

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