Effect of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate, theophylline, and other nucleotides upon calcium and phosphate metabolism


The effect of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate upon calcium and phosphate metabolism in thyroparathyroidectomized rats was undertaken in an effort to clarify the possible role of adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (3′,5′ AMP) in parathyroid hormone action. The infusion of dibutyryl cyclic 3′,5′ AMP at a rate of 3 mg/hr into thyroparathyroidectomized rats leads to changes in calcium, phosphate, and hydroxyproline excretion, and calcium and phosphate concentrations in plasma that are qualitatively similar to those induced by parathyroid hormone given at a rate of 5 μg/hr. The effect of dibutyryl cyclic 3′,5′ AMP upon calcium and hydroxyproline mobilization from bone is blocked by thyrocalcitonin administration in the same way that thyrocalcitonin blocks PTH effects. Other closely related nucleotides do not act in the same way.

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