Effect of Dinitrophenol on the Heats of Respiration of Germinating Seeds of Prosopis juliflora, Kochia scoparia, and Oxyria digyna


During a 36-hour period, the rate of absorption of oxygen, respiration quotient, and rate of evolution of heat have been measured using seeds of Prosopis juliflora, Kochia scoparia, and Oxyria digyna. The results obtained in pure water were compared with those obtained in dilute solutions of dinitrolphenol. The data appear to be reproducible to ± 10% at the end of the 36-hour period and are independent of the amount of seeds used, provided it was 0.05 g or less. For a given amount of oxygen absorbed, more heat was liberated when the seeds were in a dinitrophenol solution. The results permit an estimate to be made of the heat energy stored in oxidative phosphorylation.

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