Effect of Ethidium Bromide on Elimination of Exfoliative Toxin and Bacteriocin Production in Staphylococcus aureus


The scalded skin syndrome has been associated with phage group II staphylococci. The clinical manifestations of scalded skin syndrome, Ritter's disease, scarlatiniform erythema, and localized bullous impetigo, are due to the production of an extracellular protein, designated exfoliative toxin. Phage group II staphylococci can also produce an extracellular protein, bacteriocin, which is bacteriocidal for specific gram-positive microorganisms. Strain UT 0007 produces both bacteriocin and exfoliative toxin which appear to be products of extrachromosomal genes. These genes are jointly eliminated from strain UT 0007 after growth in either ethidium bromide or at high temperatures.

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