Effect of Temperature on Phytochrome-mediated Responses in Seedlings of Mustard


Anthocyanin synthesis, hair formation, and the synthesis of ascorbic acid oxidase are all phytochrome-mediated reactions occurring in the hypocotyl of mustard (Sinapis alba L.). An investigation was conducted into the effects of temperature on the light promotion of these three photoresponses. When given prior to a light exposure there was either no difference between a 20 and 30 C temperature treatment, or the 30 C treatment resulted in a greater photoresponse. When given subsequent to a light exposure 20 C was far more effective in promoting the responses than was a 30 C treatment. These results are in accordance with the known effects of low temperature on delaying phytochrome-far red absorbing form (Pfr) destruction, thus resulting in more Pfr being available to promote the responses. The difference between temperature treatments was greatest following a short light exposure, and much smaller following a long light exposure. When light was given as intermittent illumination the difference between subsequent temperature treatments was much less than when the same amount of light was given as continuous illumination.

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