Effects of anorexigenic peptide on gastric and pancreatic secretion.


1. Gastric and pancreatic secretion as well as serum gastrin an insulin levels have been measured after sham-feeding, real feeding or exogenous hormonal stimulation in conscious dogs receiving (pyro) Glu-His-Gly, an appetite depressing peptide (AP). 2. Sham-feeding produced a marked increase in gastric acid and pepsin outputs accompanied by an elevation of serum gastrin and insulin concentrations. AP infusion before and after sham-feeding reduced the peak gastric secretion and suppressed gastrin and insulin responses to sham-feeding. 3. Liver extract meal administered into the stomach resulted in an increase in gastric acid and serum gastrin and insulin levels. AP inhibited acid response to liver extract without affecting serum hormonal levels. Pentagastrin stimulation produced similar acid secretion to that obtained with liver extract and AP infusion also inhibited this secretion. 4. Secretin infusion or feeding a meat meal produced a similar rate of pancreatic bicarbonate secretion in dogs with chronic pancreatic fistula. AP infusion inhibited the bicarbonate response to feeding or secretin without affecting serum gastrin or insulin levels. 5. This study demonstrates that pyro-Glo-His-Gly suppresses serum hormonal and gastric secretory response to cephalic stimulation and reduces gastrin and pancreatic secretory responses to ordinary feeding or exogenous hormonal stimuli.

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