Effects of differential weekly frequencies of weight training on body composition and motor capacities in older men / Efeitos de diferentes frequencias semanais de treinamento com pesos sobre a composição corporal e capacidades motoras em homens idosos




The effects of weight training made with different intensities, frequencies and volumes provide beneficial answers and are well spread among young people and athletes. However, studies that look for the effects of weight training held at different frequencies weekly are limited to elder populations. So, the purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the effects of weight training on indicators of sarcopenia, body composition, muscle hypertrophy and of the physical capacities of muscular strength and flexibility of elder men submitted to two or three week sessions of weight training. Twenty-seven (27) individuals were part of the sample separated in: group training with two weekly training sessions (TG2, n = 9), group training with three weekly training sessions (TG3, n = 10), both submitted to a weight training for a 16 weeks period, and a control group (CG, n = 8), which was not involved with any exercise routine during the experiment. The indicators of sarcopenia and body composition were determined by Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA). The sarcopenia was determined by an index of relative skeletal muscle mass. As an indicator of muscular hypertrophy, the cross-section area of the arm (ASTBr) and thigh (ASTCx) were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging. The indicators of muscle strength were determined by the test of one maximum repetition (1-RM) in three exercises in the fitness room (bench press, leg press and arm curl). As indicators of flexibility, seven joint movements were evaluated by the fleximeter. The weight-training program was divided into two stages, eight weeks each. The first stage of the training was performed with fixed loads (three sets of 15 repetitions), alternating the order of execution by body segment. On the second stage, the exercises were fixed for articulation. These differences in the stages aimed to increase the load training progressively along the stages. Some adjustments were made weekly in the loads, observing the principle of progressive load. Intra and inter groups responses were analyzed at different times of the study. The comparison between groups and moments was performed by a variance analysis (ANOVA). The level of significance adopted for all analyses was p<0.05. None of the components of body composition, as well as the indicator of sarcopenia, was changed after the trial period for all groups. However, a significant difference between the changes percentage were observed between TG3 and CG for relative body fat and fat free mass. Significant increases were obtained in the 1-RM test for the bench press, arm curl and full load lifted up and relative load lifted up to the total body mass for the TG2 and TG3 post training. Only TG3 increased significantly muscle strength in the leg press test. The week load evolution in the training was more pronounced in the bench press exercise and the arm curl for the TG3. The leg press performance was similar for TG2 and TG3. Both showed higher increase percentage in indicators of flexibility, in the right and left hip flexion and in the left shoulder, when compared to CG. However, only the left hip flexion increased significantly for the TG3. Despite the tendency of a increasing in the ASTCx in both experimental groups, the significant increase in ASTBr (9,04%) happened only in the TG3. These results showed that the performance of threeweek sessions of TP was more effective for the elder studied group.


envelhecimento treinamento com peso muscle strenght weekly training aging weight training frequencia de treinamento composição corporal body composition aptidão fisica

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