Effects of inactivation or overexpression of the sspF gene on properties of Bacillus subtilis spores.


Inactivation of the Bacillus subtilis sspF gene had no effect on sporulation, spore resistance, or germination in a wild-type strain or one lacking DNA protective alpha/beta-type small, acid-soluble proteins (SASP). Overexpression of SspF in wild-type spores or in spores lacking major alpha/beta-type SASP (alpha- beta- spores) had no effect on sporulation but slowed spore outgrowth and restored a small amount of UV and heat resistance to alpha- beta- spores. In vitro analyses showed that SspF is a DNA binding protein and is cleaved by the SASP-specific protease (GPR) at a site similar to that cleaved in alpha/beta-type SASP. SspF was also degraded during spore germination and outgrowth, and this degradation was initiated by GPR.

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