Artigos científicos, teses e dissertações
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Effects of Metals on a Range of Streptomyces Species

A plate diffusion method was used to assess the tolerance of 28 mesophilic and 4 thermophilic species of streptomycetes to eight metals. This method allowed a qualitative screen of the effects of the metals on growth, on sporulation, and in some cases, on secondary metabolite production. Tolerant and sensitive species were identified, some of which exhibited the same response (i.e., tolerance or sensitivity) to a number of metals. Experiments in liquid culture were used to quantify the precise concentration ranges of the metals at which the most tolerant or sensitive species could grow. Distribution profiles of the sensitivities of all species examined toward different metals revealed that the order of toxicity was Hg > Cd > Co > Zn > Ni > Cu > Cr > Mn.