EficiÃncia de dialetos circulantes para escolha de genitores baseada na simulaÃÃo de dados / Efficiency of circulating diallels to parental choice based in data simulation




In diallel analysis studies the genetic delineation, providing estimates with useful parameters in the election of genitors well with the agreement of the genetic effect involved in the determination of the quantitative characters. This work had as objective, to evaluate the efficiency of the circulat diallels in relation to the complete diallels, how much to the estimates of the general combining ability (GCA) and of the specific combining (SCA). In the simulation of data, different levels of heritability and degrees of dominance had been considered. 50 lines had been simulated contend 100 genes, of equal effect e independent distribution. From complete diallels with 50 parents, had been randomized circulat diallels involving of 3 to 49 crossings, considering four types of allele interaction: without dominance, partial dominance, complete dominance and over-dominance and four situations of heritability (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%). The phenotipic values of the lines and of hybrids in two repetitions also had been simulated, were made analysis of variance on the basis of method II, model I of Griffing (1956). The analyses diallels had been carried through 16 times, corresponding to the combinations of four allels interactions, four heritability and one value for repetition in experiment, using the method of the minimum squares (Cruz &Regazzi, 2001). It was used language of system SAS (SAS, 2004) to relate, by means of Spearmanâs correlation, the estimates of the GCA and the SCA, gotten between the circulat and complete diallels. In this work they had been evaluated still the variability of the estimates of GCA and SCA how much to the number of crossings of each father in the circulat. The circulat diallels crossings they show similar results to the gotten with the complete diallels, as much in the estimates of the GCA as of the SCA; the circulat diallels are more efficient in the election of characters that show high heritability; characters of low heritability can be selected from the circulat diallels, using bigger number of crossings for parents


capacidade especÃfica de combinÃÃo general combining ability anÃlise dialÃlica variabilidade correlation diallel analysis variability capacidade geral de combinÃÃo correlÃÃÃo estatistica specific combining ability

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