Elaboração e implementação piloto de um portal para o apoio à cooperação científica e tecnológica e sua aplicação à área de tratamento de superfícies metálicas.




The globalization and the Communication and Information Technologies (CITs) have been, respectively, increased the demand and facilitated the existence of cooperation associated to innovation, research and development (R&D). In Brazil colaborative actions in R&D, particularly among companies and universities, are limited due to cultural and historic reasons. By the other hand, despite the Internet to be a TIC recognized by its capacity to integrate people and institutions, the current portals also have mechanisms yet incipient for the stimulus to cooperation in R&D. This occurs in large and small technological areas like Metallic Surface Treatment (MST). The present work aims to promote the innovation by implement, in a pilot scale, an Internet portal, to act in the linkage among people and institutions that are responsible by the R&D in MST. The results indicated that portals like this give relevant contributions to the R&Ds sectorial processes facilitating the diagnosis and the strategic direction of collective actions to overcome problems related to innovation, besides the generation as of information and ideas for R&D as of synergy and trust in cooperation, allowing to the sector to take advantages of cooperation to improve its R&D.


cooperação científica tecnológica pesquisa e desenvolvimento metais engenharia de materiais e metalurgica internet (redes de computação) tratamento superficial

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