Elaborando e lendo gráficos cartesianos que expressam movimento: uma aula utilizando sensor e calculadora gráfica




The purpose of this research was to investigate and analyze the meaning production for 10th graders of a school from the state network in Minas Gerais, about cartesian graphs that represent the rectilinear movement. The aspects favored in the understanding and elaboration of the graph using pencils and paper, a sensor, the graphic calculator, the teachers paper and the activities in this environment were particularly analyzed, besides the interventions that occurred. The starting point was based in a story, in which the students were incited to build their cartesian graphic representation, using pencils and paper. After that, they used the sensor with the graphic calculator. The students were instructed by the teachers and they should move accordingly in order to reproduce a d x t graph, corresponding to the one offered in the calculator screen. Thus, it was tried to contemplate student-student, teacher-student and student technology. The speeches and the actions were recorded and transcribed. As a theoretical reference the researcher used the Embodiment Cognition Theory, based on Lakoff and Núñes, especially in the role of the cultural metaphors and in the Model of Argumentative Strategies (MEA) for the analysis of the speeches and gestures organized in episodes, which aimed at the understanding of the meanings produced. The ideas from Mobile et al. about the visualization aspects were applied, contemplating the implications that different dispositions of symbols and graphs have in the meaning production by the students. It was concluded that the adequate use of the technology enabled an immediate feedback to the students and that this interferes in the kind of relation that the teacher has with his/her students, modifying, also, the understanding about the use of technology in the classroom


produção de significado conceptual metaphor cartesian graph, rectilinear movement argumentação educacao matematica matematica -- estudo e ensino movimento retilíneo argumentation tecnologia metáfora conceitual technology meaning production matematica gráfico cartesiano

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