Electrostatic coupling between retinal isomerization and the ionization state of Glu-204: a general mechanism for proton release in bacteriorhodopsin.


The pKa values of ionizable groups that lie between the active site region of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and the extracellular surface of the protein are reported. Glu-204 is found to have an elevated pKa in the resting state of bR, suggesting that it corresponds to the proton-releasing group in bR. Its elevated pKa is predicted to be due in part to strong repulsive interactions with Glu-9. Following trans-cis isomerization of the retinal chromophore and the transfer of a proton to Asp-85, polar groups on the protein are able to interact more strongly with the ionized state of Glu-204, leading to a substantial reduction of its pKa. This suggests a general mechanism for proton release in which isomerization and subsequent charge separation initially produce a new electrostatic balance in the active site of bR. Here it is proposed that those events in turn drives a conformational change in the protein in which the ionized state of Glu-204 can be stabilized through interactions with groups that were previously inaccessible. Whether these groups should be identified with polar moieties in the protein, bound waters, or Arg-82 is an important mechanistic question whose elucidation will require further study.

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