Elementos da teoria de poder em Michel Foucault


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The concept of power is necessarily an analysis in historical time and, especially in the currents of thinking which are mentioned by different authors who discuss about this issue. This work constitutes a reflection exercise concerning Michel Foucaults perception about the meaning of power. Nevertheless, it is essential to state that Michel Foucault never discussed about power as a coherent, unique and stable entity, but as power relations. Therefore, the question regarding power is inseparable and it constitutes a theme established in his thought. On the other hand, understanding the mechanism by which the social relations are founded, with emphasis on inequalities of domination and obedience relations that favor authority and the nature of political obligations constitutes a constant work of human thinking. Our analysis seeks to perceive the historiography and the definition of power for Michel Foucault and what are the central points of his idea. Constructing a new way of power by presenting new principles as locality, exteriority, transitoriness and non-ideologization breaking with the traditional view of power and with the sign of abandonment of this theory, he named his position as analytics of power.


elements foucault poder teoria elementos filosofia theory power foucault

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