Em busca da planetização do ensino de ciencias para a educação ambiental




This is a methodological curriculum proposal for the science teaching at the first leveI, which has the objectives of revealing the Environment and unveiling the Science, with the goal of overcoming the pre-existent models. The study questions the teaching methodology of the proposed model, aiming at the explanation of its origin and main theorical and technical-operational characteristics. A historical-retrospective investigation is conducted, focusing not only on the professional background of the author, but also on the groups and professional institutions he participated in, having the four last decades of science teaching and environmental education teaching development as scenery. The hypothesis that guides the study is that the model in question is the product of the evolution of the idea of "planetization"(jargon made up by the author) formulated in the beginning of his career and improved along the way, and it serves at same time as a unifying link and as its horizon.The analitical matrix used is made up of four categories: the conceptions of Science, Environment, Education and Teaching Methodology, being the last one considered a resultant of the other three. The supposition has been confmned, showing the unfolding of the planetization in several directions and stages of development, culminating in the most recent one, which supports the model of science teaching in focus, as seven methodological guidelines. The most important and unusual contribuition of the endorsed model seeems to be located in the unified treatement of the seven mentioned guidelines that result in a specific educational conception of Environment and Science, in which the science teaching is understood as environmental education.


ciencia (primeiro grau) - curriculos ciencia (primeiro grau) - metodologia educação ambiental geociencias - ensino de primeiro grau ciencia (primeiro grau) - historia

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