Emancipatory sex education curriculum in a training course for teachers: a study of levels of reflection on teaching / A formação de educadores na educação sexual emancipatória: um estudo dos níveis de reflexão nas práticas pedagógicas




This mestrado research searched contribute with the formation in the area of the education, formation of educators and sexual education, doing a survey of existing gaps in the area, identified in the personal trajectory of the researcher and next to the group of research of which is part. This investigation if it gave by research of qualitative matrix, with methodologies of documentary bibliographical research and (collected questionnaires already in research of scientific initiation) and from the indicators raised by means of the reading of depositions concerning the teachlearning process of the egresses academics, where they had told: as they perceived the process of sexual education lived in infancy, in family and in school, which age its position of educator in room with relation to the thematic sexual education before thematic the intentional study of and which the contributions of Discipline of Education and Sexuality for its practical pedagogical. These indicators were categorized with the aid of the methodology of the Analysis of Content based on Bardin (1979). The objective specific do materialize in study this levels of reflection about the thematic and your repercussion in the pedagogy practice this inquire. The results indicate levels distincts of the reflexion, with distincts manifestations in your practice pedagogy. This results need be considerates in anything revision of curriculum of training for educators. Considerate be with the training for educators in this intencional process that can work the intentional sexual education contributing with the construction of a emancipatory approach for the live it human, obtained advancement signification in the brazilian education. Proposal curriculum respect the levels distincts of the reflexion this educators and yours expression in your pedagogy practice need be use star point in anything proposal of training for educators


educação educação sexual intentional sexual education educacao professor reflexive professores formação sexuality education sexualidade professor reflexivo education sexual emancipation formação de educadores, educação sexual sexo training for educators educação sexual emancipatória

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