Emprego de um sistema de informação geográfica (SIG) para suporte ao planejamento do produto hoteleiro, apresentando um caso para uma região da cidade de São Paulo. / Useness of a geographic information system for lodging project planning support, exploring a case for an area of the city of São Paulo.




Real estate projects and real estate backed investments in general, and lodging projects in particular have its performance firstly associated with the location. The lodging investment has high structural rigidity, meaning little readjustment capacity without irreversible losses in the quality of the investment. Therefore, the decision process related to the investments in lodging projects depends on the information system that consider geographic attributes as location, position, dispersion and concentration, shape, inter-relationships, connection and accessibility. The structure of a geographic information system to support the lodging project planning is more than computer software. It involves the collection, the storage, the manipulation, the analysis and the presentation of geographic information. In lodging projects, the location and the vocation of the region in study and the selection of the best project works together. As the importance that business trips means in the universe of lodging projects, this study aims to build up a structure of a geographic information system for the planning of a lodging enterprise in cities with expressive demand for business trips. Considering the relevance of such demand in the city of São Paulo and its intense internal competitiveness, statistical data on the city regarding its business aspects were collected and also statistical data from the lodging industry and from the city economic aspects.


hotelaria planejamento estratégico sistema de informação geográfica geographic information system strategic planning lodging

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