Enfermagem em saúde mental: a ação e o trabalho de agentes de enfermagem de nível médio no campo psicossocial. / Nursing in mental health: the action and work of medium level nursing agents in the psychosocial field.




The object of this study was the to do, the knowledge and the how to do of the fifteen medium level nursing agents who perform assistance activities in the Center of Psychosocial Attention II, Prof. Luis da Rocha Cerqueira, home office of the Program of Academic Assistance Integration in Mental Health of the State Health Secretary and University of São Paulo. The agent choice was performed according to the belief that the group performs the action and the nursing work in mental health in the psychosocial field because this is the individual who predominantly offers action in mental health in the study environment. This research used the Work Shop as a methodological procedure to achieve, analyze and reconstruct the to do and the knowledge of the nursing agents. The shared construction of the knowledge showed two dimensions to produce health products. In the first dimension, the medium-level nursing agents produce and offer intermediated mental health action by the do impregnate of knowledge aligned to the psychosocial field of the institutional collective and share the authorship in a subordinated way to the academic agent. The second dimension of the to do adds meaning to health action and allows the appropriation of the authorship of the production of health products, determining the nursing work: the care itself of nursing in mental health. The results showed a prevalence of production and offering of health products which reaches the individual user, within the institution thus indicating the institutional need of search for deepening and coherence of purposes in the psychosocial field regarding articulation of the service with the territory, inclusion of action of health action for relatives and to expand the production of products in the critical sphere of the psychosocial rehabilitation. The Workshop showed to be a strong instrument to specifically acquire critical consciousness when expanding the theoretical repertory of the investigated, raising the experience report up to the level of the knowledge collectively constructed and to promoting an objective change of the nursing agent’s position in the institutional power environment.


campo psicossocial enfermagem em saúde mental deinstitutionalization oficina de trabalho desinstitucionalização nursing in mental health psychosocial field work shop

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