Entidades Beneficentes de Assistência Social Educacionais : uma investigação sobre a medição de desempenho organizacional




This research intends to identify the performance measures that Educational Beneficent Entities of Social Attendance use, as well as the way they are related to management process. Hence, some performance areas and indicators were selected and the possible relationship among them and (1) managers school life, (2) the time of existence of the institutions, (3) their size, was investigated. The information was obtained by an empiric research. Questionnaires were closed to eight Beneficent Entities of Social Attendance that act exclusively in education area. The results reveal that these institutions have simple and not structured performance evaluations systems, being observed the lack of indicators to measure the performance and the little use of information generated by Performance Evaluation Systems. Its also observed that the use of performance indicators is more related with the time of existence of the institutions


third sector beneficent entities performance indicators medidas de desempenho entidades beneficentes, instituições educacionais terceiro setor ciencias contabeis educational entities performance measurement indicadores de desempenho

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