Entre a clínica e a escola: um lugar para adolescentes "estados-limites"




This thesis focuses a psychoanalytic intervention process in an educational institution that attends students with difficulties in their learning processes. It proposes to explain how a particular institutional organization can minimize obstacles for the "I" to think and invest, specifically in the case of teenagers that 1 call "limit-state" and that are part of this school population. I discuss the psychic dynamism of these subjects, comprehending them as possessing a polymorphous potentiality, according to Piera Aulagnier, in which is included the melancholic potentiality, according to Maria Lucia Violante. In discussing these "limit-state" subjects, I also draw upon the contributions of André Green, Pirre Fédida, Ricardo Rodulfo, Marie Claude Lambotte. Therefore, based on these clinical and theoretical references, I have contributed to the improvement of an institutional organization, allowing it to become an intermediate model between a clinic and a standard school, a place capable of providing pedagogical work to the subjects it proposes to attend. 1 discuss and lay the foundations of the psychoanalytic concepts that have oriented the organization of this institution as a whole. I also explain my use of information concerning metapsychology and psychopathology, according to Piera Aulagnier, and the work developed in The Ecole Expérimentale de Bounneuil-sur-Marne Institution, founded by Maud Mannoni in France. 1discuss strategies already being used in the institution 1have focused and my work in creating, elaborating and grounding others forms of intervention. In my account, I explain what constitutes my thesis proposition, namely, the effects of interventions on the target population as a result of the institutional organization, understanding these interventions as minimizing the difficulties of the "I" to think and invest presented by the "state-limit" subjects. I also describe and discuss the work of the psychoanalyst in this institutional setting


adolescentes "estados-limites" dificuldades de aprendizagem psicologia transtornos de aprendizagem montagem institucional psicologia clinica intervenção psicanalítica

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