Entre a cozinha e o abatedouro: os sentidos do trabalho para mulheres atuantes na indústria avícola




This research investigated the meanings attributed to work by women who work in a poultry slaughterhouse, located in the periphery of Santa Catarina. The work was comprised from a dual dimension; on one hand, the concrete work, which is the way humans transform objects, performing activities and, on the other hand, the work included in capitalist relations. For the analysis of work done by women, this understanding was supplemented with the perspective of gender and sexual division of labor. The analysis of the production of meaning in the daily work was based on social constructionism, an approach that understands the meanings and socially and historically constructed discourses. This research consisted of a case study, whose main instrument used for the collection of information was the interview, conducted with eight employees. The tests were prepared from the discourses of the workers, the material collected was organized in thematic categories and related theories. The results showed two approaches: the first was on the professional paths of the workers, noting the reasons for their entry into the slaughterhouse, the configuration of relationships in the daily work, and future career prospects. The second focus was on the gender-based division of labor, which was observed in the presence of division both within manufacturing, as well as in the home. In production, the workers are occupied with repetitive tasks and distributed in a few positions. In the domestic area, women are involved in family income, but remained with the sole responsibility of non-remunerated domestic work. These two approaches of analysis were constantly interlinked, because the paths of the workers were continuously marked by a gender-based division of labor. This study emphasizes the importance of having continuity in investigations related to work and gender.


mulheres divisao do trabalho por sexo trabalho industria avicola psicologia relações de gênero

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