Entre a denuncia e a renuncia : "A APEOESP ( Sindicato dos Professores do Ensino Oficial do Estado de São Paulo) frente as reformas na educação publica na gestão Mario Covas (1995-1998)"




This paper starts with the crisis of the capital which began in the 70 s in the central capitalist countries and which acted for the capitalism as the main catalyst motivation for the introduction of the neoliberal ideology. This ideology, idealized by conservative theorists in the 40 s, and which became wide-spread throughout the hegemonic in the whole world during between the decades of the 80s and 90s. The main aims of the neoliberal projects were the reduction of the responsiabilities of the State in the economy, its commercial and financtial overture, the minimization or of the labour lawfulness and the containment of the public spendings. Among those most and affected areas by the neoliberal policy was the public education system which was object of several World Bank projects, ofthe World Bank especially from the 80 s onwards. These projects, they aimed focused on the need for of descentralization, deregulation, desauthentication and privatization of the educational systems, above all in Latin America and the Caribbean. In Brazil, the neoliberal model started with the govemorship of Fernando Collor de Mello in 1989 and was consolidated with the election of Fernando Henrique Cardoso in 1994. The neoliberal- orientated changes in Brazilian public education starteds with Educational Plan for the next 10 years for all in 1993 named by the World Conference of Education for all which took place happened in 1990. In Sao Paulo State, the neoliberal policies in education were implemented initially during by the governorship of Mario Covas (1995-1998) through a list of acts named Reform of Education in the State network. These which resulted in a took brought deterioration into public education standards in Sao Paulo State. Those steps had a huge impact on the acts of APEOESP (Trade Union ofthe Teachers of São Paulo State).- APEOESP which was developing a strategy of mob in the 80 s and advocatedheres to the idea of trade union as participation in the 90 s, consolidating its new features in the govemorship of Mario Covas. The consequences of those actionsat adhesion were are the weakeningmente of the resistance to the neoliberal educational reforms and the distancing of the teachers of the trade union, not longer recongnized as a tool of organization and fight for qualified public education


sindicalismo - são paulo (estado) neoliberalismo educaçao publica - brasil

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