Entre o lobby e as ruas : movimento de aposentados e politização da aposentadoria




This work aims to describe and analyze, in a detailed ethnography, the arenas of conflict over retirement which became highly visible in the 1980s and 1990s in Brazil as a result of collective actions of pensioners engaged in local associations and in a national organization. The mobilizationof pensioners has developed in the context of the country s redemocratization, and it has faced the rise of a technical and governmental discourse, which saw retirement as a source of danger to the national economy, and to the reproduction of social life. Pensioners undertook different forms of struggle- lobbies, judicial proceedings, and social movement - conjuncturally tied to their own interests in recovering and maintaining the value of their benefits. But the main argument is that the most significant effect of their mobilization was the claim to historically constituted and shared sentiments and values which pointed to common concepts of social justice: that the contractual aspects of retirement ought to be respected and, most importantly,the moral legitimacy of the social protection of the elderly, grounded on the public solidarity between generations. Retirement was socially reconstructed as a citizen s right, and a dimension of public space seemed to be revived in Brazilalong such process


solidariedade aposentadoria movimentos sociais

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