Entre o sol e a sombra: os sentidos de escola para o povo Xokleng comunidade Bugio-SC




This research analyses the ways that Xokleng People had to face to conquer a school and the several senses that they gave to it. It began with a situation occurred in a public State School, situated in Dr. Pedrinho town, exactly in the children coffee break, where the Indian and non-Indian children fought to each other and because of that the Police intervention was necessary to tranquilize them. One of the consequence of those facts was that the Indian children left the school in order to continue their studies in a Indian Community School in the last bimester of 2001. Unfortunately this school had no conditions to receive those forty students. In that situation the Indians began to fight in order to get betterment in the physical structure of their school and also in the community. In the chapter Knowing the Indian Community searches to get knowledge and fight for the frequency and abidance in the school institution. In Recognizing searches the school place to this community and the senses to it. Among these senses how to get the acknowledgment of the others to school approval. Identifying with the intention to show that the school can be a reconstructing space of a people identity. It is also necessary to make reflections on the search of a people that believes had found its way to redeem its history, identity and culture. In a frenectical search of a new school for the Indian Children, the Community found its history, identity and culture. The school building is the cellar of the leaderships, a safe harbour where the children come get more information and knowledge and at the same time it gives them back the new members worried about the improvement of their own lives and their people


Índios xokleng xokleng indians culture redêem identidade educação escolar indígena indian school education educacao school escola resgate cultural identity indios xokleng - educação; Índios xokleng - vida e costumes sociais; indios xokleng - cultura

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