Entre o tibre e o capibaribe: os limites do progressismo catÃlico na arquidiocese de Olinda e Recife




In the fallowing pages are studies about the Arquidiocese de Olinda e Recife, in the years between 1950 and 1990, times that were marked by the liberation theology and a ostensive political practice. We will tried to demonstrate that the progressim that had be lived were did not got all the diocese, but were a way touched by a little group of catholic and for this it was so easy to end the experience by the new coordination. It is our these that the conservatism is part of the character of the diocese and the presence of Dom HÃlder CÃmara, allied a some time conjuncture given the impression that of a traditional of a progressist sense of the archdiocese


arquidiocese de olinda e recife padres progressistas historia sociedade

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